As pointed out by Dr. Reckeweg R2
Organic and functional diseases of the heart, mainly cardiac neurosis. neuropathy. Tachycardia, premature contraction, stenosis, angina pectoris, coronary artery insufficiency. Strong pulse, palpitations, agitation, anxiety, heart depression, trophic dystonia.
Dr. Key Ingredients Reckeweg R2
Arnica: My heart hurts. Nervous heart problems.
Aurum chloratum: Main effects: myocardium, aorta, coronary arteries. Compression and expansion of the heart, blood flow to the head, pain in the anterior chest.
Cactus: suffocation, strong pulse, oppression. Angina pectoris and angina pectoris.
Crataegus: Excellent heart and circulation tonic. Myocardial weakness and hypotension.
Digitalis: heart failure tonic
Ignatia: Various nerve sensations in the heart, mainly after depressive emotions (anxiety, restlessness). Also general nervous irritation and insomnia.
Potassium Phosphate: general nervous exhaustion, anemia, weakness of the heart muscle. Line failure.
Laurocerasus: Cyanosis with myocardial insufficiency. Tightness and pain in the chest.
Spigelia: Strong, abnormal pulsations, visible and perceptible. Pain radiating down the left arm.
Valeriana: Nervous restlessness, mood changes, nervous irritability. Cardiac dysfunction, strong pulse, heart strain.
Dr.’s Dosage Reckeweg R2
Depending on severity, initially 10-15 drops in a small amount of water 3-6 times a day.
For acute heart disease, 10 to 15 drops every 1/4 to 1/2 hour until improvement.
Homeopathic remedies have several uses and similar symptoms and should be taken. Results may vary depending on conditions