Kidney stones, sharp pains in the kidneys, lumbago, tingling, reddish, slippery urine, with epithelial cells and amorphous waste products. Oxalic acid in urine, gravel.
Action of main ingredient:
Acid. Nitrate: Stones in urine caused by oxalic acid, and when oxalic acid is the main component of the stone.
Berberis: Sharp pains in the kidneys, aggravated by pressure. Sacral pain coming from the kidney, the patient cannot move and leans to the right to relieve the pain. Smooth, reddish urine.
Lycopodium: Painful urination, gravel. Renal colic (right side affected). Pain from the urethra to the bladder.
Rubia tinctor.: Bladder catarrh due to stones. Frequent nocturnal urge to urinate with strong weakness. pain from kidney to urethra